North Parade

Business Automation & AI

We may have built this city on rock and roll, but what about building this business with automation & AI?

As we're well and truly in to the 21st century, there's a lot of everyday mundane tasks which can now be automated. The benefit of automating tasks is that staff can spend time on tasks which will have a larger impact on delivering results for your business as opposed to copying & pasting content in to a spreadsheet.

Seriously, how much fun is that?! It's mind numbing work...

We can implement technologies to automate certain tasks which will improve output consistency, large increase in volume\tasks completed, and reduce overall input errors, just to name a few. Also don't forget staff morale as well, as no one enjoys doing mundane tasks.

What can be automated?

The tasks which can be automated more seamlessly are ones which utilise cloud technology & AI, or we can recommend technology upgrades which will provide you more flexibility moving forward.

  • Audience & Contact management
  • eDMs (email campaigns)
  • Spreadsheet import & export content
  • Reputation Management
    • Sending out surveys
    • Online review alerts
  • Auto-post content to Social Media platforms
    • Facebook
    • X (formerly known as Twitter)
    • LinkedIn
    • Blogger
    • ...and so much more!
  • Auto-share content between 2 web apps
  • Schedule automated actions depending on the day, hour, weather, results, feedback, etc
  • Auto-send emails and SMS alerts

The list above is so incomplete, it's really a blank canvas scenario. If there's something which is process driven, it's likely it can be automated to a degree.

We're here to help!

If you would like to discuss how we can increase efficiencies with Business Automation techniques, please feel free to Contact Us. on +61 2 9904 6705.

+61 2 9904 6705

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